Consumption and Waste Managment
One of the by-products of human activity is waste. Today's economic models are based on encouraging consumption as an engine of growth and as such, an enormous amount of waste is produced daily, which creates a growing environmental and health hazard.
When managed properly, waste can become a valuable resource that can boost the economy and reduce treatment costs that are usually carried by local authorities.
The waste pyramid prioritizes source reduction (preventing the production of waste), followed by reuse, then recycle (due to wasted resources during the recycling process), incineration (such as energy transfer), and finally landfilling, which is the most harmful.
In Israel, waste generation is increasing both in absolute terms (as a result of population growth) and in relative terms (kg. per person), while the recycling rate has not changed dramatically for the past few decades. 80% of waste is still being landfille.
Proper waste management begins with waste prevention by changing consumer behavior. Mindful consumption is an integral part of sustainability and expanding the local economy. It can reduce the amount of waste generated, save the city money on disposal and landfilling fees, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Encouraging a frugal consumer culture, one that is also based on sharing, contributes to the creation of a community and builds valuable social connections that strengthen the city.
In order to initiate and encourage these processes, we must provide accessible platforms and infrastructure that are suitable to people's habits and are able to meet their daily needs.
In this context, Forum 15 has published "Best Practice" case studies in operating second hand markets in local municipalities (not available yet in English).